
Showing posts from October, 2020

Tutorial of the MarginNote App for Mind Mapping and Studying

Hi, everyone. This is Lara Hammock from the Marble Jar Channel and in today’s video, I will give you a quick review on the MarginNote app. A while ago, I was asked by some viewers to compare a couple of apps to GoodReader. One of these was MarginNote.  GoodReader is my primary app for reading and highlighting PDFs and managing PDF files. I use another app, Notability, or for handwritten notes.   After diving into MarginNote, I’ve come to the conclusion that it would not be a good replacement for GoodReader. Instead, it is more of a mind mapping and studying app to help you to understand information from multiple sources.  This video lays down my initial thoughts, but I plan to use the app more, and I’m sure I’ll have more to say about it after some practice use.  Unfortunately, there’s not a ton of good documentation on how to use MarginNote. You just have to kind of dive in. The developer provides a MarginNote “mind map “as a form of documentation, but the limitations of this format f

Review of Aspire Budgeting Spreadsheet and App

 Hi, everyone. This is Lara Hammock from the Marble Jar Channel, and in today’s video, I will review the Aspire Budgeting spreadsheet and app. This is part of a series where I give my thoughts on a bunch of budgeting systems. I happen to love this souped up Google spreadsheet budget. I am a spreadsheet fan in general and I’m impressed with just how much this developer was able to do inside the limitations of a cloud-based spreadsheet app.  To access the spreadsheet, go to and click the button to copy the spreadsheet to your own Google Drive.  It is both way simpler than normal budgeting apps and also has a little steeper learning curve. First of all – it is entirely free.  I’m guessing it started as a personal spreadsheet and the developer decided to make it available to others. He has a Patreon account that you can contribute to, but there doesn’t appear to be any other way that he is making money from this passion project. There is no linking of your financial acc