
Showing posts from November, 2018

Spend 10 Minutes a Day on a Regular Mindfulness Practice

Hi, everyone!  This is Lara Hammock from the Marble Jar channel and in today's video, I'll urge you to take just 10 minutes a day for a regular mindfulness practice. Meditation and mindfulness used to be thought of as a a little "woo woo" since they were well outside of mainstream practices.  In recent years of course, studies have found overwhelming evidence that mindfulness (generally) and meditation (specifically) can be beneficial to almost every part of our lives from our mental health, to our physical health, to our relationships.    If you are interested in more information about the benefits of meditation, I would recommend Dan Harris's book "10% Happier."  Dan Harris is an news anchor with ABC and had a well documented panic attack on national television, which led to his own enlightenment.  His book is half memoir and half investigative journalism into the benefits of meditation.  The title refers to his view that regular meditation

Keep Regular Records and Notes About Your Kids

Hi, everyone!  This is Lara Hammock from the Marble Jar channel and in today's video I'll give you my one big recommendation after being a mom for 16 years -- take notes! If there is a running theme throughout my YouTube channel, it's that I have a world-class terrible memory and most of my systems are built to help me remember things or prevent my life from dissolving into entropic chaos.  Because I know this about myself, I take notes.  I take notes about processes I've figured out, events I've hosted, and articles I've read.  Chances are, I'm not going to remember these things later, so I am constantly reaching back to my notes to prevent myself from making the same mistakes over again or to remember things that might be important.  This note taking process falls into the latter category -- remembering things that might be important. As moms, we are all really good at taking notes about our first born babies.  We all were gifted a baby book

Create an Automatic TV Photo Slideshow for Special Occasions

Hi, everyone!  This is Lara Hammock from the Marble Jar channel and in today's video, I’ll show you how I create automatic photo slideshows for special occasions to play on my TV. I am a big fan of using the largest screen in my house -- our TV -- as a digital picture frame.  I did a video a while back about how to turn your TV and computer into digital picture frames using Google Photos.  So, that describes the process of getting all of my thousands of digital photos to scroll randomly on my TV and computer. But sometimes, there is a special occasion where I just want a certain group of photos to play in an automatic slideshow.  Usually, these are commemorative events.  Here are some examples: We all contributed photos for a slide show that played during my grandma's 90th birthday party. My brother-in-law and sister-in-law moved across the country and I pulled all of the photos from our weekly get-togethers with them and their children for 11 years.  I played th