
Showing posts from February, 2020

Tutorial for Carbonfin's Outliner iOS App and Website

Hi, everyone.  This is Lara Hammock from the Marble Jar channel and in today's video, I'll give you a quick tutorial of an app that I use for outlining writing assignments and research papers, CarbonFin's Outliner. I'm someone who outlines practically everything, from 50 pages research papers to 5 minute YouTube video scripts.  I have a lot of information spinning around in my head and I find I do a better job of communicating my points if I have a preset organizational structure and I work through my points in a methodical way.  I did a video recently on the 4 great tools that I have used for outlining, but in this video, I'm going to take you through one of those tools, CarbonFin's Outliner App.   This is a tool that is available for iOS devices and that also has a web-based component, which was important to me.  I don't believe there is a version for Android yet.  It is also one of the few apps that offers the ability to collapse sections, which

4 Great Tools for Outlining

Hi, everyone. This is Lara Hammock from the Marble Jar channel and in today’s video, I’ll share some of the tools that I like best to create outlines for research papers or writing assignments.  I recently did a video discussing how to organize a research paper or writing assignment.  And in it, I talk about how crucial it is to outline your paper before you start writing.  But what are the best tools for outlining?  In this video, I’ll cover 4 that I like: Microsoft Word, Google Docs, Google Sheets, and CarbonFin's Outliner app.  As an example, I'm going to use this outline for an 8-12 page paper.  I think it's important to put as much detail in your outline as you can, including the quotes, references and examples you are going to use to back up your points or arguments, so my outlines are more than just a skeleton of topics -- you can even see I have the URLs for references and studies in there.  The first 2 outlining tools are standard word processors, so you'

How to Outline and Organize a Research Paper or Writing Assignment

Hi, everyone.  This is Lara Hammock from the Marble Jar channel and in today's video I'll give you some tips on organizing and outlining your writing assignment. I did a video a little while ago that shows the step by step process of writing a research paper, but what I don't cover in detail, is how to outline and organize the paper itself.  This video may not structure your paper for you, but it should provide some tips to get you started. There are really two types of writing: creative writing and analytical writing.  Most of the assignments that you will receive fall into the category of analytical writing.  When I was in undergraduate, I used spend A LOT of time working on a really creative introduction, literary writing, and snazzy transitions between concepts.  It turns out, I was spending my energy in the wrong place.   This is my second time going through graduate school, but during my first master's, I had my husband read and edit some of my writ

Make Photo Flashcards for Studying with Flashcard Machine

Hi, everyone.  This is Lara Hammock from the Marble Jar channel and in today's video, I'll share how I make photo flashcards with the photo on the front for studying. I am a big fan of memorizing through the use of flashcards.  When I was taking Japanese as an undergraduate, I used to cut up a sheet of 8.5x11 inch paper into 16ths giving me flashcards about this big.  I would write the kanji characters on one side and the pronunciation and English meaning on the other.  I had boxes of these little cards, all bound together in sets with rubber bands.  And I swear they were THE reason that I got good grades in memorization-heavy subjects like Japanese and Biology.   Fast forward to now, thankfully for my current program I need to memorize fewer things, but I still think that flashcards are useful to drill concepts and ideas that I want to have quick brain access to.  Fortunately, there are now a ton of apps that help you to create and study flashcards.  Plus, many of the