
Showing posts from February, 2019

Libby App - A Tutorial (2 of 2)

Hi, everyone!  This is Lara Hammock from the Marble Jar channel.  Today is the second in a two part series about the app that my public library uses to access digital books and audiobooks -- the Libby App.  In my first video, I talked about the pros and cons of using the Libby app to check out digital and audiobooks from the library.  For me the positives obviously far outweigh the negatives, since I use this app all of the time.  So, now let me show you around. So, my public library has a partnership with Overdrive, which is a distributor for digital resources like eBooks and audiobooks.  Their Libby app allows library patrons to check out these resources using their library credentials.  I'm going to show you the iPhone version of Libby, but they also make versions for Android and the iPad.   Once you download Libby, you'll need to sign in using your library card.  It will take you through a series of intro screens to link your account using your library card.  You

Libby App - Pros and Cons (Part 1 of 2)

Hi, everyone!  This is Lara Hammock from the Marble Jar channel.  Today's video is the first of two about the digital app that my public library uses -- Libby.  In this video, I'll talk about the pluses and minuses of checking out digital media from the library.  In the next video, I'll do a tutorial of the app. I LOVE libraries.  The library in my home town was this elaborate, old building with a copper dome and I still think of it as one of my very favorite places.  I used to take out stacks and stacks of books as a teen -- that probably tells you a little bit about the kind of teen I was.  My ADHD has always made keeping track of books and their due dates difficult, but I figured all of my late fees were just good donations to an important public service.  That said, I was thrilled with the introduction of online library book renewal.  I have a weekly task that reminds me to go online and renew my library books.  And, up until pretty recently, I was at the libr