
Showing posts from July, 2020

How I Use Trello to Keep Track of Movies and TV Series

Hi, everyone.  This is Lara Hammock from the Marble Jar channel and in today's video, I'll share how I use Trello to keep track of the movies and TV series that am watching and that I‘d like to watch in the future. In my previous video on using Trello to keep track of the books I'm reading, I mentioned that my mind is a bit of a whirlwind and it's nice to have my thoughts on a topic written down and visually available rather than just floating around in my brain or on little separate notes filed somewhere.  This is even more true for movies and TV shows.  I don't know about you, but I jump around a bit as I'm watching things -- particularly if a series is gruesome or dark.  I cannot binge watch those series in the way that some people seem to be able to.  I need breaks.  And if you are even slightly ADHD like me, any distraction means -- you may never be back!  I have dozens of series that I've watched portions of.  And only some of that is deliberate.  Most

How I Use Trello to Organize My Reading & Books

Hi, everyone.  This is Lara Hammock from the Marble Jar channel and in today's video, I'll show you how I use Trello to keep track of all of the books I'm reading, have read, or want to read. When it comes to books, my eyes are always bigger than my stomach.  And by that I mean, the number of books I want to read FAR EXCEEDS what I can actually ingest.  And my lists just keep growing based on the recommendations of others, books that have recently come out, and whatever I happen to be interested in at the time.  The problem is that my mind is constantly whirling and unlike some who have nice, orderly minds -- mine is like a hurricane inside a tornado.  This is what even a small dose of ADHD will do to you.  But what that means is that at any given time, I'm in the middle of 4-8 books with a long list of other books I want to get to.  The thing is, my brain only has so much memory, so -- I created a system using Trello to help me out. If you are unfamiliar with Trello, i

Step by Step Guide to Learning to Sing Harmony Spontaneously (Part 2)

Hi, everyone.  This is Lara Hammock from the Marble Jar channel and in today's video, I'll share my step by step process that I am using to learn to sing harmony on the fly.  This is the second of a two-part series. In my last video, I shared the three components of learning that I've applied to learning to sing harmony spontaneously.  Consistency (I dedicate an hour per weekday to this learning process), training (I downloaded an online course that I'm working through), and practice (after I learn a concept from the training, I practice it exhaustively until I can hear and sing that harmony with practically any song).  So, what happens if I can't find the harmony and I need help?  This is true for me in portions of almost every song -- even songs that are relatively straightforward.  Intellectually, I understand how to find the harmony based on the training since it's generally just a third up or a third down from the melody line, but there are times that my ea

Step by Step Guide to Learning to Sing Harmony Spontaneously (Part 1)

Hi, everyone.  This is Lara Hammock from the Marble Jar channel and in today's video, I'll share my step by step process that I am using to learn to ad lib harmony.  This is the first of a two-part series. I grew up singing.  In high school, I sang in choirs and musicals and I was in an a cappella group in college -- before Pitch Perfect made that a cool thing to do.  My dad's side of the family is musical.  My dad can harmonize with almost anyone at anytime -- so could my grandpa.  But I'm a soprano 1, which means in multiple part harmony arrangements, I have usually sung the melody, so over the years I haven't had the ear or voice training to be able to always successfully pick out harmony on my own.  Sometimes I can -- particularly with portions of songs that are easy to harmonize with, but inevitably I'll lose it and I'll end up singing the melody or going silent until I can pick up the harmony again.  I would LIKE to be able to pick out and sing harmony

How I Make My YouTube Videos (Part 2)

Hi, everyone.  This is Lara Hammock from the Marble Jar channel and in today's video, I'm going to share the second part of how I make my YouTube videos.  This part will discuss editing and posting. In my last video, I discussed the first two steps of creating a YouTube video: scripting and filming.  In this video, we'll talk about the last two steps.  First, Editing Okay -- so now I've recorded my video on my iPad.  I move it to my computer by attaching my iPad with a USB lightening cord.  This IS the fastest way -- believe me, I've tried a bunch.  I have a YouTube folder in my C drive and each video gets its own file with this naming convention -- date, dash, shortened video title.  I drag the raw video footage into this folder.  If it isn't obvious by now, I work on a PC.  Now, when it comes time to edit the video, I use an app called Filmora by Wondershare.  They have several options, but I went ahead and bought the Lifetime one-time plan for $70.  Again, I

How I Make My YouTube Videos (Part 1)

Hi, everyone.  This is Lara Hammock from the Marble Jar channel and in today's video, I'll share how I make my YouTube videos, all the way from script writing to posting on YouTube.  In Part 1 of this 2 part series, I'll go through script writing and filming. I starting making YouTube videos about 3 years ago.  Normally, I'm the kind of person who does a TON of research before dipping my toe in the water, but in this case inexplicably, I kind of dove in directly.  I wasn't a huge consumer of YouTube videos at the time and therefore didn't have a sense of the most current video styles and aesthetic.  It's probably a very good thing since watching a bunch of other videos would have been incredibly intimidating and might have served to scare me off before I even got started.  Instead, I had a very specific idea of what kind of videos I wanted to make and I just took it from there.   If you are watching this, I'm guessing that you have watched at least one o

Family Photo Contest and Gallery Wall

Hi, everyone.  This is Lara Hammock from the Marble Jar channel and in today's video, I'll tell you about the family photo project that produced a beautiful photo gallery wall. Okay -- this was a particularly strange Mother's Day with everyone in quarantine, but I came up with a fun photo-related project that I think we will continue annually despite hopefully not having the same restrictions on activities.  We almost always do some kind of a nature walk or hike for Mother's Day.  This year, I decided to combine that walk with a nature photo shoot.  I'll walk you through the steps: iPhone Camera/Photography Class - None of us have fancy cameras, but all of us have iPhones, which have pretty decent cameras.  The thing is, I've never learned much about the iPhone camera other than how to focus.  So, I found an online class through , but that is a subscription service.  This class not only had great training on using the iPhone Camera and all of it&

How to Share All Your Google Photos with Your Family

Hi, everyone.  This is Lara Hammock from the Marble Jar channel and in today's video, I'll show you how I share all of my Google Photos with my family. Recently I started asking myself this somewhat morbid question -- now that most of us keep our photos digitally and not physically, what happens to them when we aren't around to log into our accounts anymore?  It used to be that relatives would go back through shoe boxes full of photos to pass them down through posterity.  That's how we get these gems from my family's archives.  But things are different now.  We don't print out our photos.  We don't put them in albums or in shoeboxes.  They are kept in our iCloud accounts, Google Photos account, or just sitting on our phones.  How do we ensure that our photos don't just *poof* disappear when we do?   I'm the photo taker in my nuclear family and I organize them through Google Photos.  I have lots of ways that I use those photos -- you can see my video