
Showing posts from February, 2017


I don't pretend to be particularly funny, eloquent, or brilliant. I do have a unique perspective (as we all do) based on my upbringing, mental wiring, and life situation.  My mind is constantly going, for better or for worse, so I'm throwing my voice out into the Internet maelstrom in case it proves to be of use to anyone. It is profoundly weird to be introducing myself to an audience of unknowns.  I'm someone who believes sincerely in tailoring speech to suit ones conversational partner -- really just out of courtesy and relevance.  This whole thing will inevitably be a flirtation with WTH, so here goes. Basic facts: Born in 1971 (so firmly middle aged) Mom is 3rd generation Japanese, former 4th grade teacher, now retired cardiac nurse Dad was a clinical psychologist for decades before dusting off his masters in mechanical engineering and starting a company selling his inventions to nature photographers Brother is 18 months younger and owns the aforementioned bus